Current research projects include:
Economic and Social Research Council funded project: “Understanding how constraints on access to finance and under-investment impact on productivity growth in smaller firms”. This policy-focused research project aims to help improve the ability of small and medium sized firms (SMEs) to access finance and make investment that enhance productivity. Focusing on behavioral influences along the entire process from investment opportunity identification, making investment choices, choice of funding, the role of debt and equity markets, and productivity capacity and efficiency, the project helps researchers to understand more about how small firms operate and might contribute to productivity-enhancing growth. It will directly contribute towards key elements of the UK government’s economic agenda including Levelling up, and work with policy makers to help improve the future growth post-Covid-19 potential of the SME population.
Working with the Department of Business and Trade (formerly BEIS) on the evaluation of the Bounce Back and COVID Business Interruption Loan Schemes; Business Finance Forecasting and Policy Modelling; and policy related work on Venture Capital Finance, high growth firms and regional development.
Analysis of the performance of private equity backed firms in the UK and US
Analysis of the life-cycle and performance of venture capital backed firms in the UK
Modelling default and insolvency risk of the population of UK Companies